In May 2017, Adam released a book...
Get Up: The Art of Perseverence
On July 9th, 2005, Adam Greenberg stepped into the batter’s box for his first major-league plate appearance with the Chicago Cubs. That moment was the culmination of his life’s work and proudest achievement up to that point.
No one suspected the triumph of that moment would be obliterated by a 92 mile-an-hour first-pitch fastball striking Adam just under his helmet on the back of his head. The first pitch of his major-league career threatened not only the future of his ability to play baseball, but life itself.
Adam didn’t know it at the time, but that pitch was a gift. What was both the greatest and worst split-second of his life sent him into an odyssey of struggle, pain, and confusion which forged him slowly into the man he is today. What he thought was the destroyer of his dream was actually the birth of a greater one.
Get Up | The Art of Perseverance is not simply a baseball story or a story about a baseball player. This book is a beginning. No matter what you’re doing or what you’re facing, Adam offers his story of overcoming adversity and persevering through challenges in hopes of helping you relentlessly pursue your dream for your life. (Taken from Amazon)
We have arranged an autograph signing with Adam in late October. Adam will be happy to sign his book, cards, balls, etc and all money will be donated through the Sugarland Skeeters to the victims of Hurricane Harvey. The price for each autograph will be $25.00 and can be paid via Paypal. We can also supply the book for an additional $20.00. This is the first time we've done this so please contact us with any questions... or text me at 717.330.2797.
Please send item(s) to be signed, along with a SASE to:
Glass Boys
509 Rutledge Ave
Lancaster, PA 17601
Items due by October 15th